Thursday, December 09, 2004

Festival of Sneezes (and lights)

I was the parent assistant at nursery school today and the theme was Hanukkah. The teacher is valiantly trying to cover all possible religious celebrations including Solstice and Kwanza, with a focus on how light functions in each celebration. The teacher pulled out a book about menorahs and the candles and asked the class, "Can you say Hanukkah?" Ro, who doesn't typically say much, popped up with "Bless you! Ha-chooo!!!" While stifling laughter, I told Roey that the teacher didn't sneeze. She said new word. It's Hanukkah. It just sounds a little bit like a sneeze at the beginning (at least the way the teacher said it). Other kids started "sneezing" and then the whole day seemed to get pretty sneezy. It was amusing because kids seem to find sneezing inherently funny but now they associate with Hanukkah because of my kid. Heeeeeee..... All the kids liked the dreidles and making paper menorahs -- though one kid had a massive big sneeze for real and that set off a number of kids to start the play sneezing again. Not exactly what the teacher intended I'm sure.

Update: There have been a lot of menorahs around on account of it being Hanukkah. He now calls them Roey's Candles.


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