Monday, February 06, 2006

Ro's first book at age 4 1/2

x waits for tea, originally uploaded by skweerell.

The X walks at night.
He sees a mud puddle and jumps over it.

He sees clouds on his way to the castle
in the kingdom of X.

He sees snow and walks through it at night.

He walks through rain and more rain.

He gets to the castle of X and meets King X.
It's sunny outside.

The King of X goes in to get some tea.
X waits.

(the end)
(The book - as dictated to Mommy.)

The picture shown is of X waiting outside the castle while the King of X goes in to get tea.

The story has sort of an abstract but zen feel to it that makes me chuckle every time I read it. An arduous trip and then he waits for tea.


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