Sunday, December 12, 2004

Scarred for life

Well -- the Xmas play occurred this weekend. I'm hoping Ro will recover from it. The kids performed twice. Once at a nursing home and once at church. Ro was on stage approximately one minute in both plays. For the first play, he was so uncomfortable in the nursring home that he refused to be in it at all until he watched the other kids singing for a bit. Then, he decided he wanted to be an angel too but not very long. He flat out refused to be a wiseman. He just wanted to be with his Daddy, which ended up making some of the old ladies happy because Daddy happened to be in the back of the room and some of those old ladies couldn't see the stage that well so they got a little angel to hang out near them, which they seemed to enjoy.

The following night, the play was at church. I thought he would do better but he didn't really. I gave him one of my favorite vases to carry as a wiseman because it looks kind of like the genie lamp in our nativity set, so Ro was excited about it. He dressed as an angel and stood up on the stage for the initial song but he kept pointing out the people he knew in the audience. He pointed out Mommy and Daddy and shouted our names instead of singing. Then he saw Grandma and he gave her a huge shout out and ran off stage to sit with her which was the end of his angel perfomance.

After sitting for a bit, he realized there were plates and plates of cookies in the foryer, so he started complaining about being hungry until I took him back to the nursery to have juice and crackers. I didn't let him have cookies. Then, it was time for his wiseman scene, so I took him back to the changing room. He wouldn't wear the wiseman costume, so we put the angel outfit on him again. I handed him the vase and he stood with the other wiseman and the star. Just as they were about to go out on stage, Ro dropped the vase; it shattered and he burst into to tears. We tried giving him a different vase but he didn't want it. He just couldn't stop crying and staying "Broken, Broken. I broke it" over and over again. I picked him up to console him and in doing so one of his angel wings brushed the second vase and knocked it to the floor and it shattered too, which just made everything worse even though that one was my fault. I felt soooooooooooo bad. I didn't think he'd take it so hard. They tried to give him stuffed animals and even an offering tray to take out to baby jesus but he'd have no part of it. He was so grief stricken. For the next hour, all he would say was "I broke it, I broke it". I ended up taking him to the nursery again to read him books and calm him down but that was sort of futile as well. He kept pointing out things in books that looked like they might be broken. When the play was over, he just wanted to go stare at the trash can where they'd put all the vase pieces. I had to drag him away from it. It was like he had the same morbid fascination people have with car accidents, just on a different scale. Hopefully, he'll do better next year and not be traumatised. geez.


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