Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Doctor Lawyer Banker Thief Sailor Soldier Indian Chief

Roen is always planning out his future career. It changes frequently. Maybe he'll be an artist/illustrator. Then, he wanted to be a race car driver for awhile. Then, suddenly, he wanted to be a soldier. Erk!!! The one career I would never want him to have. I hate it when he talks about wanting to be a soldier. Not that I have anything against soldiers, I simply wouldn't want Roen in harm's way ever.

Anyhow, he switched today and decided that he wants to be a paleontologist. He said,"Some people might think it's boring to try to put a dinosaur skeleton together but not me. I would like it. It would be a puzzle. I want to be a paleontologist and go find anklyosaurus bones." I worked in a paleontology department for a year -- so his comments made me feel quite chuffed and also relieved that the"soldier career" may have passed.

Later, he was pensive and told me that some people grow up to be thieves and he wanted to know why. I never feel like I have good answers for these sorts of questions. I told him that most of life is about making choices and some people make bad ones and go to jail for their bad choices.


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