Monday, December 26, 2005

Christmassy doings

rabbit racecar, originally uploaded by skweerell.

Christmas is over. It went pretty well this year. Nice and calm. We took a mini-ski trip with Daddy's parents and Ro learned a few skiing basics like how to do the snowplow. I was kind of taken aback by how much he liked eating the snow. It hasn't really come up while playing around here but at the ski area he kept asking if he could eat snow or I'd see him munching away on a handful. Snow = nature's bountiful dessert. He wants to pour fruit juice on it, which isn't really a half bad idea really.

Ro seemed so calm Christmas eve that I thought he must not understand that tomorrow would be Christmas - but he did. He was in awe of the tree and presents and rushed over hugged a pile of presents and said, "Oh! I love presents" and then he sort of basked in the glow of the Christmas tree a little bit. He loved the rabbit race car. He's pictured holding his and giving Sim her red one. It's definitely a favorite toy. His other favorites are his dog clock and game we got called Viva Topo.

Sim's favorite presents were the Baby's Box of Fun books (Babies seem to love Katz's books), a game called Go Away Monster, and a washcloth. It has flowers on it and she loves it and carries it around with her. She calls it "towel". I tried getting her to take other washcloths but she only wants her little flowered one. It's her first favored toy.


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