Wednesday, December 14, 2005

miss lovey dovey

Sim is sooooo incredibly sweet sometimes. Every time I read Hop on Pop, I read it in a happy voice except for two pages, which I read in a sad voice. The first is the Sad Dad pages. Dad is sad. Very very sad. What bad day dad had. The other is the dog pages where dogs get wet and then yelp for help. She gets so concerned and I get totally smothered in kisses. I love it that she tries to comfort me.

The other day, we were driving in the car and Sim was rambling on in the backseat. I thought it sounded like she was saying "I love you, I love you" over and over again. After several minutes of continuous repition, she said, "Mama, I love you." I said, "I love you to, simone" and then she was quiet.. She's used the phrase several times since as well. I felt bad for ignoring her for so long in the car but her talking abilities really take me off guard sometimes. It's like babble, babble, coherent sentence, babble babble. Also, I think Ro was 3.5 before he verbalized more abstract concepts like love.

She's doing really good counting to three and she's learning all the alphabet letters but she doesn't yet associate them with symbols. Some days, I point to three or four letters and she names them correctly. But the next day, I could ask her for the same letters and her answers will all be wrong. I wonder if she knows it a little or if she just gets lucky. She's so determined to do everything her brother can do. They've been playing so well together lately. I brought in the plastic ride on cars that we typically keep outside for them to tear around the house. They're having so much fun with them. It's great.


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