Monday, December 05, 2005

more signage

dirtyfaces, originally uploaded by skweerell.

Ro's really taken off on the signage. He's so inspired by his sister's behavior. When he saw her grinning ghoulishly at us with black or green lips, he was inspired to draw up "No Babies Eating Markers". It hasn't deterred her from her marker sucking habit at all. If anything, telling her NO just eggs her on. We also have "No babies eating salt", "Go eat your breakfast!", "No colds!", "No babies bumping bookcase" and "Baby eat your breakfast". And, an aggravating muffin baking session resulted in a "Don't mess up mommy" sign because Sim was harassing me so much and making me forget critical ingredients.

Signs are posted all over the house, which has lead to an additional problem with Simone. Drawing on paper is allowed but now paper is all over the place. Signs are taped to windows, walls and cabinets and things. aaaaiiiiieee. She went on one drawing spree and scribbled on some of the signs and a bit of cabinet and some floor and a little wall but I was able to get it all up. I need to be more vigilant about her getting hold of writing utensils. I'm sick of seeing her sucking on markers. She also chews chalk and crayons, sucks wet paint brushes, and eats playdough. It's terrible. I pretty much have to watch her all the time. Thankfully, most stuff is non-toxic. I wouldn't let her do any of the above at all - except that she wants to do whatever Ro is doing and he's doing little painting and drawing projects --- so she is too. Sometimes, she's really good but sometimes she's just a little scamp.

picture: Ro and Sim writing a plastic wheelie car together.


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