Monday, November 28, 2005

DANGER: No babies eating cement

Sim was in a right state this morning. She pestered Ro so much. I felt sorry for him and I have trouble figuring out how to get her to stop. At one point, Ro was all hunched up on the floor busily drawing a big snowman picture. Sim had her own paper but didn't want to use it. Why draw on your own paper when your brother's back is so inviting. I heard Roen screaming and ran down stairs and Ro had big orange marker scribbles all over his back - on one of his nicer shirts too. sigh.

After the floor debacle, Ro retreated to the table to continue drawing. The table definitely limits Sim's interference capabilities. He's really into drawing signage lately. Ro likes to make DANGER signs, usually for Simone's edification. Today's DANGER sign was No Babies Eating Cement. Never Ever! I told Ro that was an excellent sign for Simone. We also have a No Babies Drawing On The Refrigerator sign.


Blogger skweerell said...

thanks. I think he probably will.

12:15 AM  

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