Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Everything's gone blue

Ro's favorite color is blue. If you ask him what color he wants something to be, he'll say blue about 95% of the time even for food. If we go get ice cream, he wants blue (cotton candy) -- even though he'd probably prefer chocolate in a blind taste test. When he sees the blue ice cream, it sucks any and every other thought out of his head and he stands there, chanting, "blue, blue, blue!" You can't really reason with him at all.

Sadly, we are in another bad eating patch at the moment which drives me absolutely batty. So -- I went over a list of dinner possibilities with Ro, to which he responded, "No, no, try again, no, no." Finally, I suggested oatmeal and he surprisingly agreed. So, we mixed up the oatmeal (apple cinnamon) and he sat down to eat and had a bite. He then sat there and stared at it unenthusiastically for awhile. I asked him if it needed salt and he said no, it need to be blue. I think he thought this was a spoiler. So, I did what any desperate mother would do. I dumped food coloring in it. A few drops of color and we had blue oatmeal. It was disgusting. I'm reduced to dying my child's food blue so he'll eat something for a change. Me, who in my idealistic mommy days, once swore I'd never feed my child anything with artificial colorings. Now, here I am serving it up. He did eat it though. Not with anything bordering on enthusiasm - but he ate it.

Simone correctly identified her first color this week. Not surprisingly, it was blue. She also clamors for things to be blue now because Ro does. I need to start purchasing construction paper in single color packs.


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