Tuesday, November 08, 2005

My friend, mommy

Ro introduced me to another little boy at the playground today. He said, "This is my friend, Mommy." That's the second time he's done that in the last week. I feel a bit silly when the other child stares at me but they seem to accept it. Ro knows Mommy is not my name. I don't think he understands that most kids call their mothers mommy. I don't know though. I appreciate his attempts at polite conversation/introductions though.

Sim is a singing girl this week. We've caught her singing "pat-a-cake", "twinkle twinkle little star", and " l like apples and bananas". I think she was also singing "Itsy Bitsy spider" but it doesn't really sound like it but she was doing hand motions as mumbling tunelessly to herself. The other songs are actually recognizeable, especially apples and bananas. It's not that she gets the words right but she does have the tune and a few recognizable words. She also likes counting to three and unloading the dishwasher.


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