The case of the missing mail
Sim and I were folding and putting away laundry when the mail arrived. We got letters and a package from Grammy. After opening the package and letters, I had a phone call and then Ro got home from school and then I started dinner. After that, I went to get the bills out of the mail to put on my desk. I couldn't find any of the mail. Not one bit of it. I looked all over the house for about half an hour and then chalked it up to my "Mommy Alzheimers". After dinner, Daddy and I looked for the mail but we had no luck. Finally, after bath time, I was getting Simone's PJs out of her drawer when I discovered all the mail in her drawer with the clothes she'd been putting away earlier. I expect she was trying to be helpful. She likes to keep busy. If I don't find something for her to do, she gets up to monkey business. I'll discover her in the bathroom slurping saline solution out of my contact case or in the kitchen shaking pepper on the floor and then wiping it up (i.e. spreading it all over the floor with a towel). It's amazing how five minutes of low toddler supervision can result in hours of cleaning and/or searching.
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