Sunday, April 09, 2006


egbert, originally uploaded by skweerell.

Since Easter is looming, we've been doing a lot of egg crafts and reading Easter books. Ro's favorite book is The Adventures of Egbert the Easter Egg.
A synopsis of which is a boy paints a face on an egg and names it Egbert. The boy gets sick and can't go to the egg hunt. No one finds Egbert who spends the night alone in the dark. The next morning (Easter), Egbert rolls and rolls and eventually winds up at the sick boy's house to their mutual delight. Ro even made his own Egbert as you can see in the picture.

My favorite Easter book is The Country Bunny and the Little Gold Shoes. I loved that book when I was a kid. Ro likes it too. I loved the idea of the palace full of Easter eggs.

As far as crafts go, we did an outside plastic egg tree last week. We're working on our inside egg tree with blown eggs this week.We've also made chicks hatching out of eggs, an egg bunny and egg carton caterpillars. busy. busy.


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