Friday, July 28, 2006

cannibal bird

Sim is really into being a bird right now. I make her a blanket nest on the couch and she sits in it with some plastic eggs, which she'll eventually pretend to eat. She's a cannibal bird. I don't think she understands that baby birds hatch out of eggs. She thinks they're just sitting there with their breakfast because she eats an egg for breakfast every morning so why shouldn't a bird. It also kills me when she sits there tweeting and then asks me to feed her bones or throw sticks for her - because dog behavior is the only animal pretend she really seems to get. She also does frog and fish but not so much.

When we're out and about she likes to ask where her bird nest is and if I'll help her find it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your daughter sounds very inspired :)

3:50 PM  

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