Thursday, October 16, 2008

black holes

Ro: "Life was so much better before I knew about black holes."

It's so hard not to laugh at the melodrama in their voices sometimes. He should just go ahead and say, "My life is ruined and tainted at age seven because of PBS." A glimpse of a Nova show on black holes seared his mind with a picture of a man getting sucked into a black hole. Science shows can be scary. We just got a video called SolarMax from Netflix that left us all feeling a bit edgy. It really hammered home that the sun is a dangerous ball of burning fire in the sky and we can all be thankful we have a magnetosphere.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

over enthusiastic nursing

I don't think anyone loves me as much as daughter. She's such a little mother hen sometimes. I was sick and I just wanted to lie on the couch and sleep. This is a complete impossibility even when she has videos to watch. She can't stop petting my head and giving me kisses and surrounding me within a loving circle of her furry friends. My husband says she had me surrounded with plastic food and teacups at one point as well. I think I was pretty out of it at that point because I don't remember it. I never have the heart to tell her to LEAVE ME ALONE!!!! PLEASE!!! It's so hard to be sick when your kids are well and chipper and bouncing off the walls.